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ALKID, IMPERAC® | alkyd resins

If alkyd resins are required in the manufacture of your products, contact us to inquire about our offer. Once we establish our cooperation, we guarantee an individual approach to your orders. You can also find out more details about our ALKID and IMPERAC alkyd resins on our website.

The origin of ALKID and IMPERAC alkyd resins

  • Market demand

    Continuously increasing demand for alkyd resins
  • Idea

    D&R gets the idea to create an original and ecological product
  • Design

    A modern laboratory develops a proprietary resin recipe
  • Testing

    The product is improved by internal testing
  • Implementation

    ALKID and IMPERAC alkyd resins are placed on the market

Improved procedure,
to obtain varied parameters

ALKID, IMPERAC – the most popular in the paint and varnish industry, based on synthetic resins. Our production covers long-oil, medium-oil, short-oil and high-solid alkyd resins – IMPERAC resins are a response to market demands concerning VOC emission. IMPERAC covers both 100% liquid alkyd resins, dedicated to the production of paste paints, and basic resins dedicated to the manufacture of high solids. Where possible, IMPERAC resins are used in combination with ‘medium-solid’ alkyd resins to obtain satisfactory results in terms of VOC emission. The production of all alkyd resins is based on various parameters, which allows us to supply raw materials perfectly adapted to the needs and expectations of our customers.

friendly to the environment

At D&R Dispersions and Resins, we make sure that our production process does not interfere with the environment and that our products are ecological.

APPLICATION long-oil alkyd resins are used to make decorative enamel products and to paint industrial and general-purpose interiors. They are also combined with other resins applied in the production of special varnish products or used together with melamine and urea resins to create varnishes intended for furnaces, which dry in high temperatures (80 to 150°C), chemically bounded products and as plasticising substances used in nitrocellulose lacquers.

High-solid alkyd resins are applied in the production of paste paints and high solids.

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